Scientific and practical journal

Dear Colleagues!
We are glad to welcome you on the web-site of the scientific practical
journal "Precious and Decorative Stones" (hereinafter - "PDS").
The magazine "Precious and Decorative Stones" is a periodical professional publication in the field of gemology and expert assessment of precious, semiprecious and decorative stones, including general and economic geology, mineralogy, methods of forecasting, search and evaluation of mineral deposits, information on the dynamics of price changes on natural precious, semi-precious and decorative stones on the ukrainian and world markets.
The main motto of the publication is:
"Natural stones, culture of their usage and forecasting of their value". The magazine received recognition of the Higher Assessment Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine insofar publication of articles in the magazine is taken into account on presenting of Candidate and Doctoral dissertations. A number of themes on methods of gemmological science and new discoveries of precious and decorative stones at the territory of Ukraine were already highlighted in it. The magazine presents articles of new and experienced scientists of Ukraine and other countries. It also provides information on market prices for all types of natural stones, from diamonds to processed products of decorative stones.
The other activity is compilation and publication of catalogues of decorative stones of Ukraine and cadastres of their deposits.
Scope of distribution and category of readers are national and foreign.
We invite students, scientists, specialists in the field of gemology, geology, design, architecture and stone lovers to submit materials for publication in the magazine!
Each article is reviewed by leading scientists.
The editorial board of PDS Journal adheres to the principles of academic integrity envisaged by the laws of Ukraine.
The magazine is part of the Google Scholar database and the Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine (V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine).
Publication of materials that do not include new scientific results and at the same time do not contain information that they are observational or scientific-methodical, is allowed with indication of this.
ISSN 2079-1410
The journal "Precious and Decorative Stones" has been published since 1995
Language of edition:
Ukrainian, Russian and English
Issued 4 times a year
Specialties of DAK:
Sertificate on State Registration
for printed means of mass media:
deries KВ № 1587,
dated 27.07.1995
Publisher and manufacturer:
State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine
Address of the edition, publisher and manufacturer:
State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine
04119, Kyiv,
Degterivska st., 39-44
+380 (44) 492-93-28
+380(44) 495-54-86
Publisher certificate number:
DK № 1010,
dated 09.08.2002