State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine (SGCU)
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
- diamond and precious stone sorting (+380(44)-492-9321, +380(44)-492-9322), semi-precious stone (+380(44)-492-9326) and decorative stone examination (+380(44)-492-9327) with examination certificate issuing;
- expert assessment for diamonds, precious, semi-precious and decorative stones as well as mineral products;
- nature determination for precious, semi-precious and decorative stones;
- laboratory research of mineralogical composition, physical and mechanical properties of decorative stone, its identification and diagnostics, determination of the presence of internal cracks and pores by ultrasonic tester, evaluation of decorative and identification features, radioactivity assessment (+380(44)-492-9326);
- consulting on the use of different types of decorative stone, evaluation of its consumer characteristics (+380(44)-492-9326);
- print and distribution (+380(44)-495-5480, +380(44)-492-9322):
- bulletin "Price Guide for Precious and Decorative Stones",
- scientific and practical journal "Precious and Decorative Stones"; - training courses for experts in precious, semi-precious and decorative stones (+380(44)-495-5480);
- registration and maintenance of proper and trade names database for natural stone from Ukrainian deposits (+380(44)-492-9322);
- verification and issuance of Kimberley Process Certificates (+380(44)-495-5482, +380(44)-492-9321, +380(44)-492-9322 ).
38-44 Deghtyarivska Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine.
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Andrii Tkalenko, Director of the State Gemological Centre of Ukraine |
Andrii Tkalenko was appointed director of the State Gemological Center of Ukraine by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine from 09.09.2020 No. 493-0.
Andrii Tkalenko graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1985, has the qualification of a mining engineer.
He started his career as a mining foreman at the Chervonogvardiyska mine of the Makiyivvugillia Manufacturing Association, held leadership positions for more than 27 years, in particular he was the Deputy Director of the State Gemological Center of Ukraine in 2012-2019. He took an active part in scientific research on the problems of diagnosis and assessment of decorative stones quality. Scientific achievements are reflected in scientific reports, a number of scientific publications and certificates of copyright registration.
State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine was established by the Resolution of the Government of Ukraine on the 7th of September , 1993 as a scientific-industrial institution at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. In view of the fact that Ukraine is a potentially powerful mining and ore state of Europe, the main objective of State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine (SGCU) was to establish a state independent of commercial interests institution that would provide examination of precious, organic precious, semi-precious and decorative stones.
In a short period of time SGCU created a modern gemmological laboratory with the necessary equipment for examination of precious, semi-precious and decorative stones. It also made a unique masterstones collection of minerals, their synthetic analogues, rocks and formations (amber, gagat etc) from all over the world. High qualification of the laboratory staff educated at the leading European Gemmological Centres allows to conduct any diagnostics of jewellery, to determine its market value, to designate historical and cultural magnitude of historical artefacts. Methods of gemmological research are unified in accordance with the international requirements.The results of the examination are presented in the standard Expert Report on the quality and value signed by expert and approved by signature of the Director and stamp of SGCU.
On the basis SGCU organized and launched training programmes for experts in diagnostics and grading of diamonds, coloured organic precious stones and semi-precious stones. Courses are conducted by standard educational programmes and by individually elaborated training programmes. Hundreds of participants attended the courses of SGCU, including participants from such countries as Moldova, Belorus, Russia, Poland, Germany and Switzerland. For the first time a number of training manuals were duly developed and structured. These manuals are prepared according to the modern requirements of gemmological examination and knowledge of precious stones. Along with the traditional training forms offered by Gemmological Centres, we have developed together with experts of stone mining and processing industries of Finland and Italy a special training programme for experts in decorative stones Ukraine is reach in.
Meeting the market demand, SGCU offers advisory services for entrails users and potential investors in the sphere of deposits development, mining, processing and sale of decorative stones Ukraine is reach in.
SGCU launched the first Ukrainian scientific gemmologica magazine "Precious and Decorative Stones of Ukraine"being issued quarterly beginning from 1995. The main motto of the publication is: "Natural stones, culture of their usage and forecasting of their value". The magazine received recognition of the Higher Assessment Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine insofar publication of articles in the magazine is taken into account on presenting of Candidate and Doctoral dissertations. A number of themes on methods of gemmological science and new discoveries of precious and decorative stones at the territory of Ukraine were already highlighted in it. The magazine presents articles of new and experienced scientists of Ukraine and other countries. It also provides information on market prices for all types of natural stones, from diamonds to processed products of decorative stones..
The other activity is compilation and publication of catalogues of decorative stones of Ukraine and cadastres of their deposits.
The SGCU is a member of the Association of Jewelers of Ukraine and of the Association "Granites of Ukraine". Since established, the Centre has initiated and organized five international exhibition-fairs of precious and semi-precious stones in Ukraine (1994-1999). Nowadays it continues to take an active part in various corporate events organized by manufacturers.
Following the course of state economic reforms, our organization was the first who demonopolized its activity and introduced the system of certified experts (the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance №19 of January 1, 1997). Such an action will allow to avoid future conflicts and to organize Ukrainian College of Certified Experts, and than, to create large alliances of manufacturers - chambers of commerce in the sphere of mining and processing, as well as in jewellery.
In 1997 a Law of Ukraine "On the State Regulation of Mining, Production and Usage of Precious Metals and Precious Stones and Control Over Related Transactions" came into force. Firstly it has determined the main objectives of our organization in the state control system and in the process of regulation of valuables turnover at the legislative level in Ukraine. The article 15 (paragraph 6) of this Law states: "According to acting legislation of Ukraine the State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine conducts independent examination and exercises control over the quality of raw materials and jewellery, precious stones, precious stones of organic nature and semi-precious stones, as well as products with them, expert evaluation of precious stones, precious stones of organic nature and semi-precious stones, listed in the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of Ukraine, provides methodological support to geological reconnaissance, mining and processing enterprises in order to improve their performance and provide for their methodology, conducts gemmological analysis of raw materials, carries out other assignments ordered by the authorized bodies, related to the independent examination of precious stones, precious stones of organic nature and semi-precious stones".
The scientific-industrial status of the State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine determines the sphere of research:
- study of mineral and raw resources of precious, semi-precious and decorative stones, as well as of stones of organic nature in Ukraine;
- development of the equipment and examination methodology for precious, semi-precious and decorative stones, as well as of precious stones of organic nature;
- analysis and implementation of new technologies of mining and processing of precious, semi-precious and decorative stones;
- research of characteristics and regularities of the development of the world markets of precious, semi-precious and decorative stones, as well as of precious stones of organic nature, development of related information technology;
- compilation of information databases on gemology;
- development of efficient price forecasting methods for valuables from the Historical and Museum Funds of Ukraine.
The scientific research of the SGCU has been adjusted annually.
We can see the future of the State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine in meeting real expert requirements, developing of gemmological science and education, promotion of knowledge, in studying of Ukrainian potential in the sphere of mining and processing of precious, semi-precious and decorative stones, as well as of precious stones of organic nature, and in the sphere of protecting Ukraine's economic interests on the world market and in the sphere of protecting interests of manufacturers and consumers within the country.
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