Structure of department

— Chief of department
— Experts-gemologists
— Accredited experts-gemologists in
— regions of Ukraine

♦ Microscope MBS - 10;
♦ Microscope Konus;
♦ Gemological loupes with magnification 10x;
♦ Refractometer
♦ Scales for hydrostatical weighing;
♦ Iron line with length 1 m according
to SS 8026, SS 427;
♦ Tape-measure according to SS7202;
♦ Metallic triangle with corner 90
according to SS 3749;
Dosimeter-radiometer DCS -96;
♦ Dosimeter DRG -01T1.

Examination of decorative and semi-gems stones is conducted by experts of State gemological Centre of Ukraine on demand of juridical or natural person.
The main purpose of examination is the accordance of independent objective information about natural stones:
- instrumental diagnostic of stones including determination of its origin (natural or synthetic);
- determination of imitations and simultants;
- determination of qualitative characteristic of stones
- identification of natural stones and determination of its petrographical types;
- prediction of stones value in jewelry goods, rough stones, collections and museums displays and etc.;
- valuation of prognostic worth for trade set of natural stones.
The examination is conducted by experienced experts, which have the special qualification and daily practice of gemological examinations
During the examination are used instrumental methods as well as modern gemological equipment and instruments.
On examination results is issued the Expert report (
) according to the form confirmed by Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
Degtyarivska, 38-44, Kiev, 11-th floor,,
room 1103 - examination of decorative stones,
room 1104 - examination of decorative and semi-gems stones,
Tel.: 492-93-27.
Regional representative offices SGCU

· Regional representative offices SGCU
To get the official gemological report it is necessary to give the following
documents (according to direction confirmed by order SGCU from 26.12.2006 #89/06):
For juridical persons

- To conduct the gemological examination for juridical and others persons, who are subjects of business activity is necessary to hand in an application-letter, It has to contain a trade name, place of origin (name of origin by export, country of origin by import as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of examination object, examination assignment, and delivery conditions according to Incoterms 2000, name of company-sender, company-recipient and company-producer of goods, which is an object of examination. It is necessary to get references for accompanying documents, which prove property (if it is necessary ownership) for object and conducting an examination of it. Here is an application-letter .
- Juridical person or subject of business activity have to attach the own stamped copies of documents, to an application-letter. These copies have to prove property on object, conducting of following operations on it, to have data about its quantitative and qualitative characteristic as well as other information, which is necessary for conducting of expert operations:
- bill or invoice, commodity consignment, certificate of origin (if country of origin is not indicated in other documents), quality certificate, packing list, some pages of external economic contract and specifications to contract, if they contain the important for examination information. For examination of rough blocks of decorative stones is important to apply a specification with net- and gross- weight as well as commercial measurements;
- for export operations it is necessary to apply invoice, consignment, some required pages, license for using of earth (for owner of deposits) or other documents, which prove the property of examinations object
- for examination objects, which not conform to acting state standards, documents, which contain data of its quality characteristics.
For other persons:

To conduct gemological examination it is necessary to apply an
where it is required to show information about examination object, its quantitative and qualitative data as well as a volume of expert operation.
For conducting of gemological examinations this person has to give the following documentation:
1. the original of ID paper ( it can be state pass or foreign pass);
2. notarial exemplification copies of documents, which prove property (if it is necessary an ownership) for examination object, conducting right of following operations with them, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics (invoice, consignment, certificate of origin, some pages from contract, if they contain necessary information). Notarial exemplification copies are given together with originals.

1. Educational course "Attestation and expert examination of decorative stones."
2. Educational course "Attestation and expert examination of semi-gems stones."
3. Educational seminar "Precious stones"

Methodological manuals : (are granted for the following courses)
"Attestation and expert examination of decorative stones"
"Attestation and expert examination of semi-gems stones"
Books (free selling)
"How to evaluate jewelry from precious stones and metals"
The existing trade names оf decorative stones of Ukrainian deposits

The existing trade names of decorative stones of Ukrainian deposits