
"Precious and Decorative Stones".
Popular articles on gemmology, lecture materials, Internet news, information on dynamics of price indices for natural precious, semi-precious and decorative stones (rough or in wares).

"Bulletin. Precious and Decorative Stones".
Quarterly information and reference guide. Information about the dynamics of pricing of natural precious and decorative stones in the raw material and products.

"Decorative Stones of Ukraine".
Information and reference edition which includes major varieties of decorative stones of Ukraine (high quality color illustrations, physical and mechanical properties, chemical properties, mineralogical composition).
"Museum of precios and decorative stones"
Book-catalogue of unique stone samples presented in the Museum of precious and decorative stones of Volodarsk-Volynskyi settlement, Zhytomyr region.

"Precious Stones"

"Organic Precious Stones" (pearls, amber)"
Brief methodological manual for a course of lectures on precious stones of organic nature.
"Methodological Manual on Diagnostics of Colored Precious Stones"
The manual includes information on diagnostics of the wide range of most common natural precious and semi-precious stones, their synthetic analogues and products.
"Manual on Examination and Certification of Diamonds"
Parts 1
Diamonds: general information, diagnosis, certification, traditional classification methodology.
"Manual on Examination and Certification of Diamonds.
Методическое пособие к курсу лекций.
Parts 2.
Methodological manual for a course of lectures including classification of diamonds in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of 06.11.98 No 228 and Technical specification TC U 36.2-21587162.001-2002 on precious stones.
"Decorative and Semi-Precious Stones"

"Diagnostics and Evaluation
of Semi-Precious Stones"
Methodological manual on
diagnostics and examination.
"Diagnostics and Evaluation
of Decorative Stones"
Basic information on the quality and value of decorative
stones (rough material and finished products).

"How to evaluate presious stones
and metals valuables"
The book highlights the most important issues of methology, terminology, pricing and expert practice in the sphere of modern merchandise reseach of valuables.
"Evaluation of cultural artefacts"
The book is written by regulations for experts-evaluators training course at the State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine. It reviews key issues of identification, general classification, scientific attribution, determination of qualitative characteristics and value forecasting for cultural artifacts. It gives practical recommendations on customary and base value determination of cultural artifacts. There are also criteria and their value accounting methods, as well as some brief historical overviews on some kinds of cultural artifacts. For mastering of practical examination skills we propose here also numerous examples of attribution and appraisal of different kinds of cultural artifacts. The publication is for a wide circle of museum workers, collectors, auctioneers and businessmen dealing with antiquities, it could be recommended also for daily work of the customs service workers and authorities of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine.